As spray season approaches, it's necessary to ensure that your pesticide application equipment is in tiptop shape. This means replacing worn out parts and purchasing new hoses for the season.
Following good maintenance practices will ensure that your sprayers and hoses get the job done efficiently.
Rinsing, cleaning, and properly storing your hoses after each application is a crucial part of maintaining your equipment.
Keep in mind that pesticide equipment cleaning poses the hazard of chemical exposure. For this reason, you should only clean pesticide equipment if you've undergone the proper safety training.
Once you've completed your pesticide application, it's necessary to clean your containers and equipment as soon as possible.
Failing to clean your equipment after each application can lead to hose failures. Employ these tips to maintain and extend the life of your equipment.
Pesticide containers often still contain a small percentage of pesticide after you've completed an application. Instead of dumping the remaining pesticide mix, rinse the remaining pesticide from the container and add it to your spray mix.
Pesticide mixes are often costly, so this will save you money per gallon of mix.
After rinsing out the extra pesticide mixture, run clean water through your hose several times to remove pesticide from your hose. Long-term exposure to pesticide chemicals often corrodes hoses and their components.
The better you rinse your hose after each application, the longer the life of your equipment, as you'll reduce the development of rust and corrosion.
Take care to use a designated rinse location and follow all state and local regulations for cleaning and disposing of pesticides. The law requires that you rinse all pesticide containers before disposal.
Ensure that you have a clean source of water to rinse out your hose and avoid creating any standing puddles.
After running clean water through your hose, you can employ pressure rinsing to clean and decontaminate your equipment, ensuring that you clean the inside and outside of all hoses, machines, and tanks.
You should only use cleaning solution designated for cleaning pesticide equipment. Follow the label instructions for appropriate cleaning agents and follow all procedures outlined on the label. Appropriate cleaning agents are designed to penetrate and dissolve residue so that your equipment is left as clean.
Before the final flush, it's common to run a small amount of lightweight oil through your sprayer. As you flush the sprayer, the oil leaves a light coating that helps protect your sprayer from rust and corrosion.
After cleaning your equipment, hoses, and sprayers, conduct an inspection to catch any issues that may call for repair or replacement. Look out for worn out or damaged nozzles, cracks, brittleness, damaged screens, and worn down or rusted valves.
Check the general condition of the hose and make note of any components that need replacing. Inspecting your equipment after each cleaning helps identify leaks or other issues right away so that you can take care of it immediately.
Avoid putting off repair or parts replacement. Doing so will cost you more in the long run.
It's a good idea to disassemble certain components of your equipment that are easily damaged so that they remain safe in storage. Consider disassembling strainers, nozzles, screens, and nozzle tips from your hose before storage. As you remove crucial components, check for any built-up chemical residue that may damage the component if sitting in storage over the winter.
Store all of your equipment in a designated area where everything is appropriately marked. If you're storing your equipment for the winter, it's helpful to circulate antifreeze through your sprayer prior to storage.
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